
Is Making the Crypto Space Legally Compliant Paving the Road to Mass (Blockchain) Adoption?

Image Source The rise of blockchain has pushed crypto currencies to the forefront and enabled them to reach more and more people every day.  And while crypto mass adoption has been visible more than ever with currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, others didn’t have such an easy time taking off.  Bitcoin accumulation has created an abundance of wealth for those who own it, while Ethereum has provided business opportunities via creations like smart contracts. But there were also cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and SpaceBit, and, most famously, Ethereum’s DAO that failed quickly after the launch because of unclearly mapped progression paths, bad publicity, security breaches, and unethical behavior.  In that sense, many people believe that the reason for these shortcomings is the absence of regulations and frameworks that prevent bad business practices and malicious behavior. The continued ability to conduct all these activities in the sector, unchecked, has resulted in the cr...

Ethereum 2.0 the environmentally-conscious blockchain?

The introduction of " Casper " i n order to make Ethereum better for the environment, this blockchain is looking to cut down power consumption and its impact. Hence the shift to a completely new transaction validation and recording process with Ethereum 2.0 — Proof of Stake Ethereum Plans to Cut Its Absurd Energy Consumption by 99 Percent The cryptocurrency is going on an energy diet to compete with more efficient blockchain Due to their reliance on a processing-power-intensive validation method known as Proof of Work, e arly blockchain implementations  are — notoriously affected by performance issues like high transaction costs and long periods of delivery — caused by network congestion. The problem is all that mining. Like most cryptocurrencies, Ethereum relies on a computational competition called  proof of work (PoW)  . In PoW, all participants race to cryptographically secure transactions and add them to the blockchain’s globally distributed ledger. It’s a winner-tak...

a few things about Web3.JS

web3.js will: We can create new accounts, we can send Ether, we can add signatures to transfers, get balances from accounts, get transactions, and transaction IDs. We can clone and we can interact with contracts, all kinds of stuff. where will it go? load it from metamask OR add it as a script to your HTML DAPP. <head> //load BootStrap CSS </head> <body> //content //load web3.js //load ABI.js //load jQuery //load Bootstrap js <script> //web3 provider </script> </body> The Web3.js Script part can use the following: // Checking if Web3 has been injected by the browser (Mist/MetaMask) if ( typeof web3 !== ' undefined ' ) { // Use Mist/MetaMask's provider web3js = new Web3 ( web3 . currentProvider ); web3js . version . getNetwork (( err , netId ) => { switch (netId) { case " 1 " : console . log ( ' This is mainnet ' ) break case " 2 " : ...

Ethereum Smart Contract Safe Math Checks

An overflow/underflow happens when an arithmetic operation reach the maximum or minimum size of the type.  An overflow condition gives incorrect results and, particularly if the possibility has not been anticipated, can compromise a program’s reliability and security. SafeMath  is a solidity math library especially designed to support  safe  math operations: safe means that it prevents overflow when working with  uint . You can find it in zeppelin-solidity  SafeMath . pragma solidity 0.4.24; // @title SafeMath // @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { ...

Parity installation on Ubuntu Virtual Machine

Im going to be installing Parity on a Virtual Machine. My current OS is a Windows 10 and use the following settings installing ubuntu should be by downloading the ISO and creating a new VM on oracle virtual machine and attaching the ISO file and running setup until you have installed Ubuntu. To Install Parity on your Ubuntu. Open the terminal window and type away: >sudo apt-get install rustc cargo >sudo apt-get install curl >bash <(curl -Lk) >sudo apt-get install snapd >sudo snap install parity-ui >sudo apt install npm >sudo snap install parity OPTIONAL:  (a just in case all the above fails and i dont know what those mean, you would want to do this) go to PARITY.IO download and install the parity debian build for ubuntu once installed. you can now see Parity and Parity UI in your applications Running Parity from the Applications Menu: click on parity first to open the terminal while keeping the terminal op...

Ethereum Blockchain with Azure

Usually setting up a full environment for developing DApps with Ethereum blockchain is a complicating task. Microsoft Azure, offers a fantastic Virtual Machine with all of the tools installed, so im going to show this in this blog post. So this url shows the full image and the complete list of out of the box environment on azure you can select VM:Virtual Machine and Add+, then search for "Ethereum Development Kit" You always have the option of Creating the VM and Exporting it to a VHD to use on a local Virtual Machine. You can follow the instructions here to export to a VHD

Blockchain versions

Blockchain 1.0: Currency The implementation of distributed ledger technology (DLT) led to its first and obvious application: cryptocurrencies. This allows fincancial transactions based on blockchain technology or DLT  (for the sake of simplicity often seen as synonyms ) to be executed with  Bitcoin  being the most prominent example in this segment. It is being used as “cash for the Internet”, a digital payment system and can be seen as the enabler of an “Internet of Money”.   Blockchain 2.0: Smart Contracts The new key concept are  Smart Contracts,  small computer programs that “live” in the blockchain. They are autonomous computer programs that execute automatically and conditions defined beforehand such as the facilitation, verification or enforcement of the performance of a contract. One big advantage this technlogy offers, is the blockchain making it impossible to tamper or hack Smart Contracts. So Smart Contracts reduce the cost of verification, ...